STAC Event 10/14/2000: Tripoli Launch

My Initiator made a perfect flight this morning on an F25-6W and
recovered intact.  Whew!  The delay was a bit long (yikes!) maybe
because I had to angle it into a stiff wind but deployment was good.
The kit came with only a 16" chute instead of the 22", so I added a 20'
surveyor's tape streamer to the shock cord.
This worked out well since it was very windy and gave a quick descent
w/o much drift but still a reasonable landing speed.  Another Initiator
with a stock chute that launched with me ended up over 1/2 mile away in
a corn field.  I helped him find it.  Mine had a small Estes beeper but
it landed close so didn't need it.

The wind and low ceilings lasted all day so I didn't push my luck and
made several launches with smaller rockets.  I entertained the crowd
with the tiny Micro Maxx rockets, water bottle rockets, and various 25
year old small Estes & Centuri's.  One brave soul who had a very nice
radio tracking unit did a launch on a big J motor up to 7500'.  We lost
sight of it but could monitor the progress with his
directional antenna and changes in the tone when droge deployed and
later the main. It landed almost a mile away but he found it right away.

Overall it was a good day.

See launch photos on the Minnesota Rocketry Network.