STAC Project Ideas
Club Stuff:
Design a Logo for T-Shirts & web page
Mailing List Server
Rocket altitude "theodolite" trackers - Have, need assembly
Cheaply build "clones" of fun old rockets by buying the parts in bulk and
downloading the plans from the internet.
I have enough parts now for everyone to make an Estes Mosquito clone.
MicroMaxx Bic Pen rockets for everyone - enter in rec.models.rockets design
Build remote controlled Ram-Air parachute for large rocket recovery
Build on-board GPS navigaion unit for Ram-Air parachute equiped rocket
for Auto-RTLS(Return To Lauch Site)
Non-pyrotechnic electronically activated ejection mechanism
Water Rockets:
Launch Andreas' large rocket
Build shorter launch tube for launching 1/2 liter bottles
Parachute recovery for water rockets
Multi-Stage water rockets
Scale Saturn V & Saturn IB water rocket
Build robots with my "Robotix" construction sets.
Test out the Robotix remote control unit.
Build on-board microprocessor controllers for Robotix creations.
Assemble air-muscles for humanoid robot
IR Proximity Sensors for Palm QuadraPed
Active balance mechanism for small biped robot using Analog Devices accelerometer
Underwater ROV (Remotely Operated Vehicle)
Assemble Potato Cannon (have parts)
Make hot air balloons from dry cleaning bags (need to wait for snow cover
to avoid brush fires)
Build steerable kites for everyone (I have one already)
R/C ram-air parachutes
Watch videos: "October Sky", Apollo 13, many NASA & Wings, R/C Parachute
Construction, Junkyard Wars, Robot Wars, etc
Completed Projects:
Water rocket design class
Build water rocket launcher
Parachute recovered water rocket
Assemble Estes AltiTrak inclinometers
Video down-link reciever dish
Test air-to-ground video transmission from steerable kite
Develop STAC Web page
High-power launch pad from PVC (have parts)
(See STAC page for links to Completed Events)
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